My Bucket

Here are some of the adventures to do, goals to accomplish, sites to see, people to meet, and places to go that I plan to do at some point in this life of mine 🙂

And I’ll start off with the very event that prompted me to actually write these goals down:

  1. See Bomba de Tiempo live in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Click here to see that post that really inspired me and see what its all about. No really, don’t keep reading this list, click here. You’ll thank me (and the Art of Backpacking) later.)
  2. Zipline in Costa Rica.  (March 2013!)
  3. Visit the Pyramids in Egypt.
  4. See the Red Sea.
  5. See the Eiffel Tower (all lit up at night too!)
  6. Walk the Great Wall of China (or sled… thanks Beyonce).
  7.  Go on Win the Amazing Race.
  8. Visit Bali.
  9. Lead a group of students on an international adventure. (I hope this happens over and over again.)
  10. Go on a cruise.
  11. Go to the World Cup.
  12. Go to the Olympics.
  13. Visit the other, original Memphis (Egypt of course.)
  14.  Visit Jesus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (The Christ the Redeemer Statue that looks over the city). Click to see! (Sept. 2011)
  15. Become a lifeguard (or at least just pass the test).
  16. Go to grad school for free. (Yeah this didn’t work out. I may have to change this to the PhD.)
  17. Visit the Seychelles.
  18. Touch the Taj Mahal.
  19. Tough Mudder!!
  20. Learn Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Kiswahili, Mandarin, and Japanese.
  21. See an opera at La Scala (Don Giovanni, 2006!) and the Sydney Opera House.
  22. Learn to surf (or just catch at least one wave). (March 2013)
  23. Write and publish a book.
  24. Participate in Songkran Festival in Thailand (biggest water fight of all time!)
  25. Climb Mt. Sinai in Egypt.
  26. NYE Celebration in Brazil – wearing white on the beach and all.
  27. Ride a camel. In a desert of course.  February 2012 in Morocco – holla!
  28. Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
  29. Carnival in Trinidad.
  30. Caribana in Toronto (notice the trend here).
  31. Run a 5K. (April 2013). Run a 10K. Run a half-marathon. Run one of these in another country.
  32. Mt. Kilimanjaro (no explanation necessary).
  33. Participate on both a global and a domestic missions trip!

6 thoughts on “My Bucket

  1. Well the only one I’ve made progress on is #16… which means most of the others are on hold lol. The only issue is that this first year hasn’t been free – but I’ve got a fellowship lined up (hopefully!) to pay for the second year.

  2. Whoa, #16 is quite an accomplishment. When you have that squared away, you’ll have to share the details. Good luck with the rest of your goals.

  3. Pingback: A Little Reflection Anyone? 2011: A Year in Review « Vai Via Blog

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