Day 13: A Favorite Travel Quote

I have quite a few “quotables” on this here site.  I used to do a segment called “That’s What He Said” but I fell off a little.  That said, here’s another one of my favorites:

I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them“.
-Mark Twain

Speaks for itself right? That said, in addition to counseling, I think all future spouses should go on vacation together first. Really. I work part-time at an airport and I’m telling ya – when your flight gets cancelled and you’re starving and there’s only one security checkpoint line open – you learn a few things about one another.  And it ain’t always pretty.

Do you have any other favorite travel-related quotes out there?


Were you paying attention? Did you notice that I skipped Day 12? Day 12 was about someone who has influence me to travel and I really couldn’t think of anyone. Isn’t that crazy? I could easily think of a few people who have tried to discourage me but I honestly think the desire to travel has just always been there.  Maybe it was all of the family reunions we took as a child.  Those were all road trips though and actually made me hate driving long distances.  Or maybe it was simply my Dad saying I could do and be absolutely anything that I wanted.  And with that I also assumed he meant “anywhere” I wanted.  He’s always been the most supportive of my travels and has even talked about joining me on a few trips. He is my ideal Amazing Race partner!

That’s What He Said…

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do, than by the ones you did do.   So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore. Dream. Discover.

-Mark Twain

If you’ve ever thought about studying abroad or international travel, I’m going to simply “borrow” the words of a wise soul called Nike and say “Just do it.” Mark Twain’s quote is so true and I’m sure all of us have had those times when we said, “I should have…” or “I wish I had…” I can’t tell you how many people have confessed to me that they wish they’d studied abroad in college. These are friends both at Howard and friends from elsewhere – all different ages, races, backgrounds, both genders – I would say that number is almost in the hundreds (I talk about studying abroad a LOT).  So go ahead and take the plunge.  Don’t wait on retirement. For some reason I don’t think traveling around the world would be as fun at 65 as it is for me in my 20s (but I’m sure there are some seasoned adults out there proving me wrong!).